Another major decision

You’ll have to forgive me for not writing more on this site. I could make the usual excuses about being terribly busy and adjusting to life in a foreign country, and while at least the latter half of that statement is true, the reality is that I’ve just been lazy. On Friday of last week I was handed paperwork asking whether I would like to renew my contract for a second year here in Japan. The deadline for this monumental decision was today, a mere three days later. While on the surface the decision should be a no-brainer, the reality of such a decision is significantly more complex.

Culture shock (which I assure you is all too real), family, and the comfort of home conspire to make the decision far more difficult than it ought. To add to the difficulty, it is rather hard to tell what is a fleeting bought with culture shock, something likely to pass in a few hours or days and what is an incompatibility between you and your new living situation. If for that fact alone, I don’t recommend making this important a decision on the spur of the moment.

I would certainly have liked more time to pray and fully contemplate the ramifications of this decision, but it wasn’t meant to be. Ultimately, though, I believe I made the right choice for me. It depends upon whom you speak to whether it will be the popular decision. In the end, either decision was going to upset someone. Having said all that, I am writing here today to let you, my loyal reader(s) know that I have decided to renew my contract and remain in Japan for a second year. This renewal will take me through the beginning of August 2015. I look forward to seeing more of this amazing country during the next year.